22 November, 2018

Save the date: Sing-Along and Gouter ~ December 4, 2018

Sing-Along and Gouter ~ December 4, 2018 Rue Violet from 14:00 to 16:30

The December celebration has long been a honored tradition of the conversation groups. This year the Sing-Along – the Singing part - will start no later than 14:30. Some of the carols are in English, others in French - words are furnished.

We ask that you arrive early (at 14h) to deposit your gustatory contribution and to help with the setting up of the room. Please bring something for the gouter, either salé or sucré. We ask that you bring a plate on which to serve it, some utensil with which to serve it , and if it needs cutting up, please do so before you arrive. Or bring a bottle of wine or a bottle of fruit juice.

06 November, 2018

Group member Tiphaine Canal to be in a play this month...

Pour En finir   création contemporaine
Du 14 au 17 Novembre à 21h au Lavoir Moderne parisien  (35 rue Léon, Paris XVIII)

Voici le lien https://lavoirmoderneparisien.com/programmations/pour-en-finir/ ) vers la page du théâtre et le descriptif de la pièce.

29 October, 2018

La famille de Marie-Claire...

La famille de Marie-Claire a été très touchée des manifestations d’amitié , les fleurs et les dons à Curie et à Pasteur et la présence de certains d’entre nous à l’église . C’était un hommage émouvant de tout notre groupe de conversation à Marie -Claire. Merci à tous.

22 October, 2018

In Memory...

In memory of Marie-Claire Chamboncel, a long-time member of the WICE French-English conversation groups.

Afin de rendre hommage à Marie-Claire une cérémonie religieuse est prévue le vendredi 26 octobre à 10h30 à Notre-Dame d’Auteuil.

04 October, 2018

Full Fall Schedule - Combined Announcements

Tuesdays from October 2 - We will be meeting again at the Maison Communale ( 69 rue Violet Paris 75015 - Métro Commerce ) from 15h to 16h30, including the school holidays.

Thursdays from October 11 - We will be resuming the Thursday conversation at the WICE Office ( 10 rue Tiphaine Paris 75015 ) from 18h to 19h30, including school holidays.

Fridays - September 28 ; October 5 ,12 ,19 ; We will meet at Jules Vallès (72, avenue Félix Faure, Paris 75015 - Métro Boucicaut or Lourmel ) from 15h to 16h30

Exceptions - October 26 , November 2 ( school Holidays ) We will be meeting at the cafe “ Mon Rêve “ ( 68 avenue Félix Faure - Métro Boucicaut from 15h30 to 17h )

In Memory...

In memory of Julie Baruch, a member of the WICE French-English conversation groups for more than twenty years.